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Finite game players


You can learn more about Infinite Games by reading the book The Infinite Game by Simon Sinek. You can learn more about the book at Simon Sinek's website.

The word "infinite" is used in The Infinite Loop to reinforce the idea that developing digital products is an infinite game. Developing a successful digital product is considered an infinite game because it is never truly "won." The goal of an infinite game is to keep the game going, with no clear endpoint and dynamic rules. This is in contrast to finite games, where the objective is to win and there is a clear endpoint with set rules.

  • In finite games, the focus is on winning, and this can lead to a weak sense of purpose. Organisations and individuals who play to win at all costs may sacrifice their values and relationships in the process, ultimately losing the game. This can lead to a culture of fear, where employees feel pressure to meet targets and achieve results, often resulting in burnout, low morale, and high turnover.

  • In infinite games, the focus is on maintaining the game and continuing to progress. There is a strong sense of purpose, and leaders inspire others to join them on a journey of unknown and infinite possibilities. A culture of trust and ownership, and a sense of shared purpose, is critical for achieving ambitious and long-term goals.

Treating the development of a digital product as a finite game is not possible in the long run because there is no clear endpoint and the rules are constantly changing. The focus on winning would eventually lead to burnout and a loss of purpose, ultimately hindering the success of the product. A more sustainable approach is to view the development of a digital product as an infinite game and focus on maintaining progress and continuously adapting to changes in the market.